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Theatre at Ralston Valley

The theatre program at Ralston Valley is committed to building an inclusive community of students who train and perform in all aspects of the theatre art form. You can get involved in any number of ways, from taking classes during the school day, to getting involved in the after-school productions (fall play and spring musical), to joining the Thespian Theatre Troupe. Don't be afraid to try something new! Participating in the theatre program is a great way to make friends, get involved, and find a place to belong at Ralston Valley.

Manestage Theatre Website

Theatre in Jeffco

Theatre teachers in Jeffco are dedicated to providing students with opportunities to realize their vision while developing critical-thinking skills, finding themselves and their place in this world, and creating experiences that last a lifetime.

Content is not the sole focus of theatre education in Jeffco. The district is committed to providing students with a well-rounded education and opportunities to participate in experiential learning through theatre education. 

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