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World Languages

World Languages at Ralston Valley High School

We believe language learning is a life skill, necessary for anything our students do in their futures. We engage students through highly-interactive lessons, using all communication skills, and maintaining 90% target language in the classroom. We are committed to developing citizens of the world, and provide annual student-travel opportunities to apply their language-skills in nations across the world.

Ralston Valley offers beginner through AP courses in French, German, and Spanish, and all of our language programs provide students with the opportunity to graduate with a Seal of Biliteracy.

Our World Language Department is among the most-honored in all of Colorado:

  • Colorado Teacher of the Year - Andrea Leslie
  • UNC Teacher of the Year - Lori Rubin
  • KLETT USA Award Winner- Paula Blum
  • Nationally recognized for Exemplary French Program (the only school in Colorado with this honor!)

World Languages in Jeffco

World language programs in Jeffco Public Schools invite students to explore the world and their place in it through the study of languages and cultures. Jeffco offers courses in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Latin and Spanish. Jeffco also offers Spanish for Heritage Speakers to honor and support the development and maintenance of heritage language.

Jeffco strives to educate students to become communicatively proficient and globally competent in languages other than English with a curriculum aligned to national standards. Students will have opportunities to use their cultural and linguistic knowledge outside of the classroom, with travel, cultural events, performances and competitions.

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