Library & Research
The Ralston Valley High School library is a hub for student learning, reading, research, class resources, technology and activity. The RV library has been recognized by the Colorado Department of Education as a “Highly Effective School Library Program,” earning Exemplary Performance designation.
Book Search
Biography in Context – Search by a person's name or by other criteria such as nationality and occupation.
Books and literature
- Literature Resources from Gale – Includes literary criticism, author biographies and work overviews.
Current Issues
- Opposing Viewpoints in Context – Information about current social issues, including articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, news and more.
- Points of View Reference Center – Information for multiple sides of current issues.
- Global Issues in Context – Up-to-date information about current world issues and international news stories.
- MasterFILE Premier – Full-text articles from a range of magazines, newspapers and periodicals. Subjects covered include general reference, business, health, multicultural studies and more.
General research
- Academic Search Premier – Full text for scholarly publications.
- Access world news – Full text from local, regional, national and international newspapers.
- Colorado Newspapers
- Consumer Reports – Contact Mrs. Jonson for password.
- Consumer Health Complete – Comprehensive health and medical info, including videos, fact sheets, images and diagrams, reports and a medical dictionary.
- Explora – Search across several EBSCO databases for videos, magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, primary source documents, and biographies on a variety of topics.
- Gale Virtual Reference Library – A collection of electronic reference books covering many subject areas. Download chapters to your eReader or computer.
- MAS Ultra – Designed specifically for high school students. Full text for periodicals, including popular magazines, and reference books on a variety of topics as well as primary sources, images and biographies.
- MasterFILE Premier – Full text articles from a range of magazines, newspapers and periodicals. Subjects covered include general reference, business, health, multicultural studies and more.
- Teen Health and Wellness – Provides students with comprehensive curricular support and self-help tools on topics including diseases, drugs, alcohol, nutrition, fitness, mental health, diversity, family life and more.
- TOPIC Search – Articles on popular and current events topics, including full-text periodicals, government publications, biographies and public opinion polls.
Geography and country information
- Background Notes – Fact sheets, foreign policy information and other country information
- CIA World Factbook – Provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities.
- Culture Grams – Find information about the cultures and peoples of the world. Includes maps, images, statistics, flags and more.
- Lands and Peoples / Scholastic Go! – An online encyclopedia, atlas, and almanac about countries and cultures for students.
- American history – Interactive e-books from the Spotlight on American History series.
- Daily Life Through History – Provides information about people's everyday lives throughout the centuries.
- History Reference Center – Historical encyclopedias, historical documents, biographies, photos and maps.
- Library of Congress
- U.S. History in Context – A comprehensive U.S. history resource.
- World History in Context – A comprehensive world history resource.
- GreenFIL – Government publications, scholarly articles and general-interest publications on topics including renewable energy, green building, global warming and recycling.
- Science in Context – Science articles and books, videos and news. A great one-stop resource.
- Science Reference Center – Science encyclopedias, books and periodicals for students.
Reading Lists
- Adult Books with Young Adult Appeal
- AP Lit Exam – most-referenced works
- BN Teen Blog
- Goodreads Young Adult Book Lists
Special collections
How to find or search collections
- Biography and memoir
- Dystopias
- “Fahrenheit 451” themes: power of education, importance of human connection, anti-intellectualism, technology advancement vs. enslavement and censorship
- Hero's journey book list
- Horror
- “Macbeth” themes: supernatural, violence, history. mental Health
- Mythology (fiction)
- Notable nonfiction
- Sci-fi
- “Twelfth Night” themes: Identity, love, music, wisdom, appearance vs. reality
- Wellness and self-help
Checking Out Items
Students can check out items by providing their name and ID number and may check out up to 3 items at a time. Most can be kept for two weeks with a three-day grace period. A few items only check out for one block. Items may be renewed up to three times as long as no one else has the item reserved.
Students can view their checkouts and renew items online. (Patron ID = student ID number; PIN - last 4 digits of student ID number).
We usually don't charge late fees for books or items needed for school projects. Some high-demand items like textbooks and calculators check out only for 1 block and late fees ranging from $2-$5 per day are applied until the items are returned (capped at $15).
Students who return items in damaged condition will receive fines to repair or replace the items, and lost items are billed at the replacement cost of the item.
Students with fees or very overdue books will not be able to check out loaner Chromebooks or until the items are returned and any necessary fines are cleared. The library has desktop computers and phone charging stations that can be used by all students, even if they have fines.
Food is not allowed on any carpeted areas in the school, and the library has carpet ... so all food should be kept in the Commons and Cafeteria areas. Drinks with secure lids are allowed in the library.
Computers are for educational use and due to bandwidth limits, playing Internet games or downloading is not permitted. Cell phones are ok but should be silenced while in the library.
Students are welcome to listen to music with headphones while studying or working independently in the library as long as the music can't be heard by others.